Assessments: Hire Smart with Data-Driven Insights

With our partners at TalentClick, save time on volume hiring, scale your team, identify top performers, strengthen workplace culture, and hire candidates who are the right fit

multiracial workforce

Behavioural and Skills Assessments

TalentClick's assessment solutions give you data-driven insights to hire, train, and develop top performers through scientifically validated, easy-to-use, user-friendly and scalable solutions.

(AVP) Interview Report

Our core bundle generates multiple reports with tailored interview questions & performance management tips for better job fit. The Attitude-Values-Personality Interview Report includes: Workstyle & Performance Profile, Work Values & Attitude

(AVP) Interview Report with Safety

Our core bundle generates multiple reports with tailored interview questions & performance management tips for better job fit. The Attitude-Values-Personality Interview Report with Safety includes: Workstyle & Performance Profile, Work Values & Attitude, Safety Quotient

Workstyle & Performance
Profile (WPP)

Reveal workstyle, strengths & areas for improvement. The Workstyle and Performance Profile can be used for hiring & development, leadership identification, succession planning & more.


provides a snapshot of work style, work values, and safety risks, all from one short survey. Choose a one-page summary of results, or a detailed combination report highlighting key personality strengths, challenges, suggested interview questions and coaching tips to better assess job fit for both hiring and development.

Work Values &
Attitude (WVA)

Assessment uncovers an individual's values and personal standards for behaviour to help assess whether they are a cultural fit for your organization. The WVA measures conformity, responsibility, positivity, and more. This assessment is available with our AVP Interview Report Bundles

Safety Quotient (SQ)

Identify the high-risk personality traits that lead to human error & preventable workplace incidents. The Safety Quotient measures distractibility, impulsiveness, rule-resistance & more.

Driver Safety
Quotient (DSQ)

Gain insight into a driver's likelihood of crashes, near misses, traffic violations, and more. The Driver Safety Quotient helps ensure safer roadways for everyone.

Cognitive Quotient (CQ)

Assess front-line workers to measure verbal, numerical & spatial reasoning. The Cognitive Quotient ensures workers have the cognitive capacity required for the role.

English Proficiency (EP)

Measure an individual's ability to review written English, use correct grammar, understand the meaning of words & type error free sentences.

Leadership Profile (LP)

Help hire, train & develop an organization's most valuable asset — its leaders. The LP measures workstyle, business reasoning ability & conflict management style.

Employee Surveys

Surveys are diagnostic scans of workforce sentiment that provides a gap analysis between what leaders think is happening in the organization and what is really happening. Surveys are priced on a team basis. Learn more

Employee Engagement Survey

A diagnostic scan of workforce sentiment that provides a gap analysis between what leaders think is happening in the organization and what is really happening.

Book a Demo


provides a snapshot of work style, work values, and safety risks, all from one short survey. Choose a one-page summary of results, or a detailed combination report highlighting key personality strengths, challenges, suggested interview questions and coaching tips to better assess job fit for both hiring and development.


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Careers Testimonials - Startup X Webflow Template
Sophie Moore
Solace Inc. Co-founder

“Working with Alltourage has been nothing short of an incredible experience”

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